The PERFECT Incline Bench Press ✅ 1. Use a Full Grip, Not a Thumbless Grip Always wrap your thumbs around the bar to ensure a secure grip and prevent the bar from slipping out of your hands. 2. Keep Your Elbows Tucked Avoid flaring your elbows out excessively. Instead, tuck them slightly so your forearms stay roughly vertical during the lift for better shoulder stability. 3. Maintain a Neutral Wrist Position Don’t let your wrists bend too far back. Keep them straight and aligned with your forearms to improve force transfer and reduce strain. 4. Lower the Bar to the Correct Spot Avoid lowering the bar to your collarbone, as this can cause elbow flare and increase the risk of injury. Instead, aim to lower the bar to your upper-to-middle chest for optimal form and safety. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #inclinebenchpress #benchpress #benchpresstips
❌ Preacher Curl Machine Mistakes to Avoid 1) Wrist Position: Don’t curl your wrist during the movement. Instead, keep it straight to focus on your biceps and prevent overusing your forearms. 2) Arm Placement: Avoid leaving a gap between your armpit and the pad. Keep your armpit pressed against the pad for better stability and leverage. 3) Elbow Alignment: Don’t flare your elbows outward. Tuck them in to maintain tension on your biceps for optimal muscle engagement. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #preachercurlmachine #preachercurl
✅ Forearm Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you use an underhand grip and perform barbell wrist curls, you'll work the forearm flexors (inner forearms). If you use an overhand grip and perform barbell wrist extensions, you'll work the forearm extensors (outer forearms). If you stand up and perform overhand (reverse) grip barbell curls, you'll target the brachioradialis. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #forearms #forearmworkout #forearmsworkout
✅ Dumbbell Bicep Curl Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you use a supinated grip to perform bicep curls, you'll primarily work your biceps. If you use a neutral grip, you'll shift the emphasis to the brachialis and brachioradialis; you'll still be working your biceps but to a lesser extent. If you use a pronated grip, you'll shift even more workload to the brachioradialis and even less workload to the biceps. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #dumbbellbicepworkout #bicepcurl #bicepcurls #bicepcurlvariations
✅ Dumbbell Shoulder Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE‼️) If you hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip and perform shoulder presses, you'll primarily target the front delts. But if you perform shoulder presses with a pronated grip, you'll work the front and side delts. If you raise the dumbbells in front, you'll emphasize the front delts. If you raise the dumbbells out to your sides, you'll target the side delts. If you bend over and raise the dumbbells outwards, you'll work the rear delts and traps. If you shrug your shoulders up while holding the dumbbells, you'll target the trapezius muscles. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #dumbbellshoulderworkout #dumbbellshoulderpress #shoulderworkout
✅ The Perfect Lateral Raise (DO THIS!) 1) Use a Thumbless Grip A thumbless grip reduces forearm and grip activation, helping you focus more on your lateral delts. While a full grip isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s less ideal for isolating the delts in my opinion. 2) Maintain a Slight Bend in Your Elbows Keep your arms slightly bent throughout the movement to protect your joints and maintain tension on the lateral delts. 3) Depress Your Shoulders Actively push your shoulders down and away from your ears to minimize trap involvement and keep the tension on your delts. 4) Lean Forward Slightly Hinging forward just a bit shifts the emphasis directly onto your lateral delts, maximizing their engagement. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #lateralraise #lateralraises #dumbbelllateralraise
✅ The Perfect Lying Triceps Extension (DO THIS!) 1) Use a Thumbless Grip: A thumbless (or "suicide") grip positions the bar closer to the base of your palm, reducing wrist strain and making it easier to keep your elbows tucked. A full grip (with thumbs wrapped around the bar) isn't necessarily wrong, but it often causes elbows to flare, which can compromise form (as discussed in the next point). 2) Tuck Your Elbows: Keep your elbows tucked throughout the entire movement. Flaring them out increases the risk of elbow pain and activates your shoulders and chest, turning the exercise into a partial chest fly rather than isolating the triceps. 3) Angle Your Upper Arms Slightly Back: Position your upper arms at a slight backward angle instead of vertically straight. This improves the range of motion by allowing you to lower the bar further behind your head, maximizing the triceps stretch. It also ensures the triceps remain engaged at the top of the movement. Keeping your upper arms vertical reduces the range of motion (as the bar can only lower to your forehead) and minimizes triceps tension when your arms are fully extended. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #lyingtricepsextension #skullcrusher #tricepsextension #tricepextension
✅ Squat: Elevated Heels vs Toes (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) The goblet/barbell squat targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. If you elevate your toes using a weight plate, you’ll shift more emphasis to your glutes as it forces a forward lean and engages your hips more. However, if you elevate your heels instead, the focus shifts to your quads while reducing glute and hamstring activation. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻
✅ Cable Triceps Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) When performing tricep pushdowns with a cable D-handle, all three heads of the triceps are engaged. However, your grip determines which head is emphasized: Overhand grip: Focuses on the lateral and medial heads. Underhand grip: Shifts more emphasis to the medial head. Neutral grip (side-facing): Turn to the side and perform cross-body tricep extensions to target the long head. Adjust your grip to target different parts of the triceps for well-rounded development. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #tricepspushdown #triceppushdown #tricepsextension #cableextension
✅ Barbell Shoulder Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you perform overhead barbell presses, you'll target the front and lateral heads of the shoulders. If you raise the barbell in front of you, you'll target the anterior head of the shoulders. If you perform upright rows (using slightly wider than shoulder width grip), you'll target the lateral head of the shoulders. If you perform wide grip bent over rows (pulling towards your shoulders/neck), you'll target the rear delts and traps. If you do barbell shrugs, you'll target your upper to mid traps. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #shoulderexercises #shoulderpress #biggershoulders
Push-Up Mistakes (and How to Fix Them) Mistake #1: Using a Wide Hand Placement Placing your hands too wide often forces your elbows to flare out, increasing the risk of shoulder injury. Fix: Use a hand placement that’s just slightly wider than shoulder-width, or at most 1.5 times shoulder-width. Mistake #2: Elevating Your Shoulders Shrugging your shoulders during push-ups shifts tension to your traps, reducing chest engagement. Fix: Keep your shoulders down and relaxed to better target your chest and avoid overusing your traps. Mistake #3: Internally Rotating Your Shoulders Interally rotated shoulders causes most of the weight to be resting on the inner side of your hands, which can lead to instability and elbow flaring. Fix: Actively screw your hands into the ground to externally rotate your shoulders, creating more stability. Mistake #4: Keeping Your Shoulder Blades Retracted at the Top Holding your shoulder blades together at the top limits your range of motion and prevents full chest activation. Fix: Protract your shoulder blades (push them as far apart as possible) at the top of the movement. As you lower your body, retract your shoulder blades to maintain proper form. Extra Tip: Keep your forearms vertical throughout the movement, and avoid letting your elbows flare out to the sides. This ensures better force transfer and reduces strain on your shoulders. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #pushup #pushups
Barbell Row Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you use a wide grip and pull the barbell to about chest height, you'll work the lateral delts. If you use a narrow grip and pull the barbell up to your collarbone, you'll work more of your upper traps. If you bend over and perform wide grip rows like this, you'll work the rear delts and traps. If you pull towards your upper abs using a narrow grip, you'll work the middle to lower traps and lats. Exercise 1: Wide Grip Upright Rows Exercise 2: Close Grip Upright Rows Exercise 3: Width Grip Barbell Rows Exercise 4: Close Grip Barbell Rows Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #uprightrow #barbellrow
✅ Barbell Row Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) The barbell row engages all the muscles of your back to varying degrees, depending on your grip and pull technique. Using an underhand, narrow grip and pulling just below your belly button places greater emphasis on the latissimus dorsi. Opting for a medium-width grip and pulling towards just above your belly button targets the mid-back. Meanwhile, a wide grip and pulling towards your lower chest focuses on the upper back muscles. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #barbellrow #barbellrows #backrow
✅ Glute Kickback Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you kick your leg straight back, you'll primarily work the gluteus maximus. If you point your toes outward and kick diagonally back at a 45 degree angle, you'll work the gluteus medius and maximus. If you point your toes to the side and lift your leg outward, you'll primarily work the gluteus medius and minimus. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #glutekickbacks #cablekickbacks
Machine Shoulder Press Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you use a neutral grip, you'll target the front of the shoulders (anterior deltoid). If you use a pronated grip, you'll work the front and side parts of the shoulders (anterior and lateral deltoid). If you sit backwards and lean forward as you push, you'll shift more emphasis to the side of the shoulders (lateral deltoid). Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #machineshoulderpress #shoulderpress
Bench Press Grips & Muscles Worked! If you use a narrow grip, you'll work more of your triceps. If you use a medium grip, you'll work your whole chest. If you use an underhand grip, you'll work more of your upper chest. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #benchpress #smithmachine #benchpresstips
❌ Rear Delt Machine Flyes Mistakes (FIX THESE!) Mistake 1: Using the neutral grip handle The neutral grip handle shifts some of the emphasis away from the rear delts and to your side delts. Fix: Use the pronated grip handle (palms facing downward) to effectively target your rear delts. Mistake 2: Squeezing your shoulder blades together Pulling your shoulder blades together engages your traps. Fix: Keep your shoulder blades apart throughout the movement to better isolate your rear delts. Mistake 3: Retracting your shoulders Similar to squeezing your shoulder blades together, retracting your shoulder engages the traps. Fix: Protract your shoulders (roll your shoulders forward) to keep the tension on your rear delts. Mistake 4: Pointing your elbows down Elbows pointed downward reduce leverage. Fix: Keep your elbows pointed out to the sides to optimize leverage and rear delt activation. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #reardeltfly #reardeltworkout
✅ Bulgarian Split Squat Setup & Form Tips (DO THIS!) 1. Setup: Sit on a bench and extend one leg straight out in front of you to determine the ideal placement for your front foot. Stand up, position your front foot where it was extended, and place the top of your back foot on the bench behind you. 2. Back Foot Placement: Rest the top of your back foot on the bench rather than balancing on your toes. This reduces strain and improves stability. 3. Leg Positioning: Avoid keeping your legs and feet in a perfectly parallel line. Instead, maintain a slight gap between them (hip-width apart) for better balance and control. 4. Body Angle for Quad Focus: Keep your torso upright during the movement to target your quads more effectively. 5. Body Angle for Glute Focus: Lean your torso slightly forward to shift more workload onto your glutes. Your quads will still remain actively engaged. 6. Adding Glute Emphasis with Contralateral Weights: Hold a single dumbbell in the hand opposite your working leg to increase the challenge on your glutes through an offset load. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #bulgariansplit #splitsquat #splitsquat
✅ Leg Curl Form Tips (DO THIS! 1) Adjust the Roller Pad: Position the pad just above your heels, resting on your Achilles tendon (between your heel and calf). Avoid placing it on your calves, as this reduces your range of motion. 2) Set the Lever: Start with your legs fully extended in the highest position you can comfortably manage. This setup ensures you maximize the range of motion. 3) Optimize the Seat Position: Sit upright (or lean slightly forward to place your hamstrings in a more stretched position). Avoid leaning backward, as this shortens the hamstring muscles (not ideal for hypertrophy). 4) Grip the Handles: Hold the handles firmly to maintain stability and proper posture during the exercise. 5) Keep Your Hips Down: Avoid lifting your butt off the seat during the curl. Doing so shifts tension away from the hamstrings and limits your range of motion. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #legcurl #legcurlmachine
Dumbbell Shoulder Exercise Variations (TARGET ALL HEADS!) If you hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip and raise them directly in front while lying face down on an incline bench, you'll work the front and a bit of the side delts. If you hold the dumbbells with a semi-pronated grip and raise them outward in front forming a Y shape, you'll primarily target the side delts. If you hold the dumbbells with a pronated grip and raise them outwards to your sides, you'll work the rear delts. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 (link in bio) #dumbbellshoulderworkout #shoulderworkout #shoulderexercise